Assessment of Diagnostic Algorithms and Tools for Multidrug Resistant and Drug Sensitive Tuberculosis in the Philippines Part II (TB-FIT 2) De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI) OHRPA
Community Approach to Control and Halt Drug-Resistant TB (COACH DRTB) De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute (DLSMHSI) OHRPA
POWer App: Mobile Health Application Development for Remote Screening & Early Detection of Children with Mobility Impairment Physicians for Peace Philippines, Inc. Digital Frontier Technologies
Rapid Assessment of Health Information Systems towards Pandemic Resiliency and UHC in Two Provinces Alliance for Improving Health Outcomes (AIHO) Digital Frontier Technologies
RabCast: Proof-of-concept for a Forecasting Tool for Rabies Spread in Davao City Through Combined Genomic and Mathematical Approaches UP Mindanao Digital Frontier Technologies
The LISA Robot: Logistic Indoor Service Assistant Telepresence Robot Pasig Doctors Medical CenterUniversity of Santo Tomas Digital Frontier Technologies
Local Government Unit-mandated eHealth Networked Services for Universal Health Care (UHC LeHNS) Ateneo de Manila University Digital Frontier Technologies
Developing Immersive Technology Gamification System for Rehabilitation Management of Pediatric Patients with Cerebral Palsy and Mobility Limitations UP Manila Digital Frontier Technologies
Developing Immersive Technology System for the Management of Patients with Dementia and Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms (Phase 1) UP Manila Digital Frontier Technologies