Call for Proposal on 2022-2023 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Research Agenda Program

The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) and Department of Health invites interested Filipino researchers to submit proposals under the 2022-2023 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Research Agenda Program.
The HTA Research Agenda Program aims to generate evidence using HTA methodologies that will be used in developing of recommendations on coverage decisions for DOH and PhilHealth under the Universal Health Care Law. The following are the topics to funded under this Call:
HTA of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines
- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines for adult indications
- Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) for pediatric indications
Systematic Review of the Clinical Evidence for the Prioritized HTA Topics
- Brentuximab for relapsed or refractory CD30+ Hodgkin lymphoma
- Erdosteine for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- High-risk human papillomavirus DNA testing
- Paliperidone palmitate (PP3M) 3-month long-acting injectable formulation for adult patients with schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders who have been adequately treated with the 1-month paliperidone palmitate injectable product for at least four months
- Reteplase for acute myocardial infarction
- Aflibercept, Ranibizumab, and Dexamethasone implant for diabetic macular edema (DME), wet age-related macular degeneration (wAMD), macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion (ME-RVO)
- Citicoline for stroke
- DPP4 inhibitors (including sitagliptin) vs sulfonylureas for adult T2DM patients inadequately controlled on metformin monotherapy
- Ivabradine for heart failure
- Ivabradine for angina
- Nilotinib for chronic myeloid leukemia
- Short-acting insulins (insulin aspart, insulin lispro, insulin glulisine) for T1DM
- Short-acting insulins (insulin aspart, insulin lispro, insulin glulisine) for T2DM
- TACE with mitomycin C for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
- Ticagrelor for acute coronary syndrome
- Ticagrelor for prevention of thrombotic events
- Tirofiban for patients with coronary ischemic syndromes undergoing coronary angioplasty or atherectomy
- Tirofiban for patients with unstable angina or non-Q-wave myocardial infarction
Economic and ELSHI evaluation of prioritized HTA Topics in the General Track or priority medicines for inclusion in the Philippine National Formulary which will be determined pending judgment on the clinical evidence
- Colonoscopy as diagnosis of colorectal cancer as confirmatory test or procedure if found positive on fecal occult blood test
- Mammography for screening of breast cancer
- Newborn Pulse Oximetry for indirectly detecting hypoxemia in medically ill patients that may raise suspicion for a critical congenital heart disease (CCHD)
- Ultrasound with AFP for screening of patients at risk to develop hepatocellular carcinoma who have or have not progressed to cirrhosis
- Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
- Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)
- Visualization with Acetic Acid for screening of cervical cancer among women aged 30 to 65 years
Please refer to the attached Annex for the details and research questions. The processing, approval and implementation of the research proposal shall be governed by the “Revised Guidelines for the Grants-in-Aid Program of the Department of Science and Technology and its Agencies”.
Review Procedures Approval of proposals for research grants will be based on a multi-level review process:
- In-house screening and evaluation in terms of alignment to the research priorities, duplication, and completeness of requirements.
- Technical review and scoring by external consultants (Technical Panel) based on the following criteria:
- Relevance and Sensitivity
Alignment to national S&T priorities, strategic relevance to national development and sensitivity to Philippine political context, culture, tradition and gender and development.
- Technical/Scientific
Merit sound scientific basis to generate new knowledge or apply existing knowledge in an innovative manner.
- Data Management
Technical merit on the methodology, handling, and management of data.
- Financial Feasibility
Financial viability of the undertaking with proponent’s and institutional capacity to manage R&D funds vis-à-vis the proposed work plan and budget
- Proponent’s / Institutional Capacity
Good track record or CV with proven competence to implement and complete the R&D program / project within the approved duration and budget.
- Final approval by the PCHRD Governing Council or the PCHRD Executive Director depending on the recommended total budgetary requirement of the proposal.
- In the review process, the proponent may need to revise the proposal on the basis of the recommendations of the reviewers. The review process will take 40 working days or less provided that all the requirements had been submitted.
Who may apply for the grant?
Filipinos with at least a Master’s Degree in a relevant field, have proven research competence / track record, and employed in universities/colleges, research agencies/institutes, hospitals, and other health related agencies are eligible to apply for the research grant.
How to apply?
The interested researcher shall submit the following requirements online through the PCHRD Project Management System (PCHRD – PMS) (
- Project Proposal following the prescribed format in the PCHRD PMS website
- Work plan Schedule (Gantt Chart of Activities)
- Proposed Line-Item Budget (DOST-GIA LIB Form)
- Counterpart Funding of Implementing Agency
- Informed Consent Form
- Case Report Form, if applicable
- Endorsement of Agency Head
- Curriculum Vitae of Proponent(s)
- Duties and Responsibilities of each Project Personnel
- Letter of request addressed to:
The Executive Director
Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
Department of Science and Technology
Saliksik Building, DOST Science Complex, Gen. Santos Avenue
Bicutan, Taguig City, Metro Manila
DOST-PCHRD will also require the proponent to submit the following documents before the start of project implementation:
- Biosafety Clearance, if applicable
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Clearance, if applicable
- Bureau of Animal Industry Clearance, if applicable
- Ethics Clearance (for studies involving human subjects)
Deadline for online submission will be on or before 20 March 2023, 5:00 PM (Philippine Standard Time). Note: Online submission will be through the PCHRD PMS website only. Submission through emails and hardcopies will not be accepted.