You are here: Ongoing Projects Archive - Page 6 of 37 - Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
Establishment of Genomics Consortium and Core Facility in Mindanao
UP Mindanao
Omics for Health
WAGAS: Integrated Wastewater-Based Epidemiology and Data Analytics for Community-Level Pathogen Surveillance and Genetic Tracking: Proof-of-Concept
UP Mindanao
Omics for Health
CUSOG: Vulnerability Assessment Tool: A Decision Support System for Pre-Emptive Preparedness on Emerging Infections Among Animal Reservoir in Urban Green Spaces
UP Mindanao
Omics for Health
PPASTOL: Predictive Modeling and Viral Phylodynamic Analysis on the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Disease Outbreaks with considerations for Control and Logistics applied in Mindanao region
UP Mindanao
Omics for Health
Discovery and Development of Health Products (DDHP): Disease-Specific Bioactive Hits from Terrestrial Organisms: Project 9. Anti-Lung Cancer Bioactive Hits from Priority Bioactive Extracts
UP Mindanao
Tuklas Lunas
RabCast: Proof-of-concept for a Forecasting Tool for Rabies Spread in Davao City Through Combined Genomic and Mathematical Approaches